My Research appeared in following Media/News
- The Wall Street Journal has featured our work on 8th June 2017. The article touches on the work of the recent PNAS paper.
- Coverage in “Science” magazine (Featured article and also the cover page) of 23rd Oct 2015 edition.
- Illusions in the Formerly Blind, Scientific American, 2015.
- My work on illusion has been published on BPoD – Biomedical Picture of the Day, UK, 2015.
- Our work on Autism appeared in Los Angeles Times.
- Vision is key to spatial skills, MIT Technology review, 6 February 2014.
- Spatial Imagery Improves With Sight, APS, USA, 26 February 2014.
- Children born blind can learn to see as teenagers, Nature, 29 January 2014.
- Even after extended early blindness, visual function can be retained, Harvard University News, 11 Feb 2014.
- Faculty in Resonance summer School, Indo-USA Science forum, June-July, 2013.
- Formerly Blind Children Shed Light on a Centuries-Old Puzzle. Science, 10 April 2011.
- Study of Vision Tackles a Philosophy Riddle, The New York Times, 25 April 2011.
- ‘Molyneux’s question’ gets answered after 300 years, 11 April 2011.
Invited Talks
- “Cognitive Computing”, I-Care 2015, 29th October 2015, IBM, New Delhi.
- “Autonomous Learning: Engineering Inspired from Science”, Regional College, Jaipur (Keynote), 10th April 2015.
- “Imaging Brain”, Shroff Charity Eye Hospital, New Delhi (Lecture Series), 30th April 2015.
- “Assitive Technology for disabled and elderly”, Sambalpur University (Keynote) 16th Jan 2015.
- “Listening to Brain”, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 6th June 2014.
- “Understanding face perception”, National Brain Research Centre, India, 10th June 2014.
- “Face perception; Nature or Nurture?”, National Brain Research Centre, Menswear, 10th June 2014.
- “Face Perception: Nature or Nurture?”, Wolfe’s lab on vision research, Harvard University, 23rd April 2014.
- “Society, Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, Institute of Technology and Management, Haryana, 27th Jan 2014.
- “Science to Society”, IIT Gandhinagar, 27th Dec 2013.
- “Object and Face recognition, Computational and neuroscience approach”, Siksha O Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, 8th August 2013.
- “Science, Technology and Society”, INSPIRE Science camp, IIT Delhi, Jan 2013.
- “Sight to Blind; Science and Service”, ITER, Bhubaneswar, 10th Aug 2012.
- “A window into Brain Plasticity”, ISI, Bangalore, 3rd Aug 2012.
- “How the brain learns to see?” ISI, Kolkata, 6th Aug 2012.
- “Technological approach to cognitive neuroscience” DIPAS, DRDO, 20th July 2012.
- “Understanding concepts and processing of EEGs”, Workshop on qEEG, APPICON-2011, AIIMS, New Delhi, 14th Dec 2011.
- “A Perspective in fMRI Imaging”, G.E. (Medical Imaging division), Bangalore, K.A., 9th June 2011.
- “Revisiting critical period Hypothesis”, Dept. of cognitive Neuroscience, University of Hyderabad (Central), A.P., 6th June 2011.
- “Can the Blind see? A window into Brain Plasticity” Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, 7th May 2011.
- “Advancement of Electronics Engineering and Technology: A perspective in healthcare”, Dept. of Electronics, IIMT, Greater Noida, U.P., 17th Feb 2011.
- “Technologies on the cross road in cutting edge research”, Dept. of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, GCET, Greater Noida, U.P., 31st “Mar”2010.
- “Plasticity and Cognition in human brain: A technological approach”, IIT Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 24th Aug 2010.
- “Technology for better health care”, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,SIET, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, 23rd Feb 2010.
- “Applied Electronics and advanced computing for better health care”, Dept. of Biomedical engineering, MIET, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, 19th Aug 2009.
- “Biomedical Engineering in 21st Century”, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering,Trident College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, 8th Aug 2009.
- “Human body and Technology: An interface”, Dept. of Molecular biology and Biotechnology, Tezpur Central University, Assam, 11th March 2009.